It’s happening! Our new Resource Center has become a beacon of light for teen moms from all over Denver! Ten new mommas came to Hope House in the first ten days we were open – each one hoping to build a different life for her child. Their faces reflect the awe that I still feel every time I enter this beautiful place.
With the holidays approaching, the timing of our opening is perfect. When the pressure of the season causes family tension, or increased drinking, or even violence at home, our girls can come to Hope House to study in peace, do laundry, play on the playground, or just eat a meal with a friend who also has a baby and a difficult home life. They can come to a place filled with warmth and hope… a place where they can learn just how much God loves them.
Our new girls have such a fierce determination to break the cycle of poverty for their little ones. But they can’t do it alone. They need us – they need you – to come alongside them and invest in them as they work hard to move forward. Will you please consider making a donation to Hope House? Any gift of any size will help us meet our goal of raising $80,000 by December 31st – and you will be empowering new girls like Alexa, Daisy and Abbie to become teachers, nurses and firefighters!
Thank you for helping us serve so many more girls. Thank you for believing in them when no one else will. You are truly breaking the cycle of poverty for two generations!
Lisa Steven Founder & Executive Director
P.S. If you are considering leaving a planned gift or a gift in your will, I would be honored to connect with you. Email me at lisa.steven@ .
This is Us: My name is Alexa. I’m 16 and my son Romeo is 4 months old.
Biggest Challenge as a Teen Mom: People look down on me. I feel their judgement.
Why I Came: I came for my high school diploma, but now I am doing the self-care classes, too! Everyone at Hope House believes in me!
My Dream: I want to be a special education teacher and help kids feel included.
This Is Us: My name is Daisy and I am 19 years old. My son Malakai is 4 weeks old.
Biggest Challenge as a Teen Mom: Sleep deprivation! I also struggle with anxiety.
Why I Came: Parenting classes! I have so much to learn. Everyone at Hope House treats me with so much love and concern.
My Dream: I want to be a nurse and help people.
This is Us: My name is Abbie. I’m 19 and my son Alexander is 8 weeks old.
Biggest Challenge as a Teen Mom: Being so alone. At one point in my pregnancy, I was homeless.
Why I came: I came looking for my GED, and now I’m doing parenting classes. I finally feel like I have a community – I feel welcome and safe here.
My Dream: I want to be a firefighter and save lives!