Early Learning Center Capital Campaign

Since Hope House first opened our doors to two teen moms and their children in 2003, we have been providing a safe place for teen moms to feel loved, valued and seen as they work to break the cycle of poverty for two generations: themselves and their children. Our mission is to empower teen moms to become self-sufficient and to understand their significance in God’s sight, resulting in a healthy future for them, and for their children.
The three biggest barriers to self-sufficiency are housing, child care and transportation. With your help, we are about to remove one of those significant barriers. In January 2022, Hope House received an unexpected and totally miraculous matching gift of $1 million to launch the capital campaign for our new Early Learning Center!
After purchasing the two acres surrounding our Residential Program home in 2015, we began dreaming about building a Resource Center and full-time licensed child care center on that property. In 2019, part of that dream became a reality when we opened the doors to our new 15,000-square-foot Resource Center, creating a place for teen moms to learn, grow and belong. Due to rising construction costs, we were unable to build our Early Learning Center at the same time as our Resource Center and pushed that dream out by several years.
As usual, God has bigger ideas than we do! Our miracle matching gift has a contingency that we complete the capital campaign by the end of 2022, so we are launching a $4.6 million capital campaign with the ambitious goal of completing it by year-end!
I invite you to take part in yet another adventure with our amazing God, who so deeply cares for our teen moms and their little ones. Every dollar pledged in this 3-year campaign will be matched, up to $1 million! Your investment will allow our teen moms to reach self-sufficiency more quickly as they finally have access to quality full-time care while they attend school or work. This will also create a learning environment uniquely tailored to equip our little ones for school readiness; provide them early intervention supports as needed; and empower them to grow in all five learning domains.
Won’t you join me?
Lisa Steven
Founder & Executive Director

Projected Timeline

Projected Timeline

For the first three years of operating the Early Learning Center, we will need to raise $600,000 to support the shortfall we will face as we ramp up to full capacity. This shortfall will come from having less children enrolled and less reimbursement from CCCAP funding per student as we work toward a five-star Colorado Shines rating. Once at full capacity, which we anticipate happening by May 2027, we expect to receive the full reimbursement per student. At that time, we plan to be serving free and reduced lunches and potentially offering summer camp opportunities as well.

Is my gift eligible for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit?
Colorado Child Care Tax Credits (CCTC) are based on our Early Learning annual budget! Gifts are limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. Gifts made to the construction of the Early Learning Center and contributions of cash are eligible for the CCTC (contributions of stock and gifts made from donor advised funds do not qualify).
Will the Early Learning Center be licensed?
Yes, it will be a fully licensed and full-service building!
How will the Early Learning Center operational budget be sustained ongoing?
The budget will be 60% CCCAP funding, 20% private-pay spots and 20% fundraised.
What does CCCAP stand for?
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), which 100% of our moms are eligible for. CCCAP provides funds directly to the Early Learning Center for income-eligible parents.
Are you worried that the capital campaign will impact your general annual
fundraising negatively?
Nonprofits typically experience a 10% decrease in funds raised for ongoing programming. Hope House Colorado didn’t experience a loss in general funds during the capital campaign for the
Resource Center, and actually saw double digit income growth in all three years of the campaign!
What’s the difference between the Early Learning Program inside the Resource Center and the Early Learning Center you are building?
The Early Learning Program (ELP) is a nontraditional program providing three hours of care and learning while mom is onsite in the Resource Center participating in Hope House Programs. For instance, mom is working on her GED while her little one receives three hours of quality care and learning inside the Resource Center. This program’s licensing does NOT allow mom to be offsite while her child is in care. The new Early Learning Center will provide full-time quality child care and early learning to Hope House moms while they work or go to school full-time.

Did you know donations to the Early Learning capital campaign qualify for a 50% Colorado tax credit on personal or business income?
The CCTC does not apply to contributions of stock or gifts made from a donor advised fund.
Please contact Lisa Schlarbaum at (720) 448-5725 or Lisa.Schlarbaum@ to confirm that Hope House is still accepting gifts for this year, or talk with your financial professional if you have questions about the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit. Receipts are mailed out at the end of the quarter and tax forms are mailed at the end of each year. Thank you for supporting our Early Learning Program at Hope House. For more information, please visit: